Rev. Dr. AnneMarie Mingo 

Theologian in Residence

Dr. AnneMarie Mingo, associate professor of Ethics, Culture, and Moral Leadership, directs the Metro-Urban Institute at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Her Social Ethics research, drawing on oral histories and ethnographies, focuses on Black Churchwomen in the Civil Rights Movement. Her debut book, Have You Got Good Religion?: Black Women’s Faith, Courage, and Moral Leadership in the Civil Rights Movement (2024) illuminates their contributions. Founder of the Cultivating Courageous Resisters Project, she collaborates to equip intergenerational activists for social justice. Rev. Dr. Mingo, ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, brings diverse experience, including corporate marketing, and holds degrees from Princeton Theological Seminary and Emory University. She is an Itinerant Elder who has ministered internationally and engages in academic and community leadership roles. She envisions bridging theory and praxis to effect transformative change in academia, the Church, and society, fostering empowerment and justice worldwide.