Building a Movement for Youth

We believe in the power of young voices to drive transformative change. We’re fueled by our belief in youth as changemakers, and through advocacy, community partnership, and united effort, we amplify their agency. This movement animates young leaders to tap into their power and share a future where they thrive.  

Together, we’re shaping a world where every young person’s journey is marked by dignity, hope, and joy.  

Gazebo on the lake at Alex Haley Farm

Alex Haley Farm

At CDF’s Alex Haley Farm, justice thrives in diverse spaces. Here, we offer spaces to convene, learn, and gather. Explore these transformative spaces that nurture growth and inspire justice.

Explore the Farm
Little girl laughs and dances during Harambee.

Faith Communities in Action

Children’s Sabbaths® Celebration

The multi-faith National Observance of Children’s Sabbaths® weekend engages places of worship across the country in focusing prayers, worship, education programs, and action on learning more about the urgent problems facing our nation’s children.

Learn More