CDF-Ohio Weights in on Children’s Issues in the State’s Biennial Budget
March 11, 2021
Today, House Bill 110, the state’s biennial budget, was discussed in the House Finance Committee chaired by Rep. Oleslager. This opportunity for testimony by interested parties is critical in that individuals, organization, service providers, all have an opportunity share their personal stories, research, policy recommendations, and ideas for how to improve or make services more effective for Ohioans. In some cases comments offered are in support or in opposition. They all share the common theme in that they provide a space for diverse views and ideas to be shared with elected officials.
The process for providing testimony and raising your voice on an issue can be intimidating and definitely represents a departure from one’s comfort zone.
However, it is critical that our legislators, our policymakers hear from you!
We begin this series by sharing our testimony from today focused on Whole Child Wellbeing, Infant & Maternal Care, and Empowering Foster Youth.
Over the next several weeks, CDF-Ohio will provide examples for testimony and talking points that can be used to support issues that can make all the difference for children and their families.
Support Whole Child Wellbeing by Tracy Najera, Executive Director
Invest in Maternal Infant Health by Kelly Vyzral, Senior Health Policy Associate
Empower Foster Youth by Kim Eckhart, KIDS COUNT Project Manager