Smiling girl

CDF-OH Ending Child Poverty

The Problem

In the United States, nearly 1 in 5 children, including 500,000 in Ohio, live in poverty, enduring inadequate health care, untreated illnesses, unsafe child care, unstable housing, and subpar schools. Despite being the wealthiest nation, these realities faced by Ohio’s children, youth, and families are unjust and socially and economically hazardous. Child poverty incurs significant costs, nearly $700 billion annually, because of lost productivity and additional health and crime expenses.

Our Vision

In Ohio, we aim to uplift families from poverty, ensuring every child’s well-being irrespective of their background. By addressing the root causes of hunger and financial instability, we envision a future where no child goes to bed hungry and families are empowered to provide a nurturing environment for their children, fostering growth and success.

The Solution

To achieve this vision, we advocate for policies that guarantee livable wages, accessible, high-quality child care, and crucial supports like the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit for working families. Additionally, comprehensive health coverage, top-notch early childhood development, and K-12 education opportunities are fundamental rights that every child in Ohio should have, enabling them to thrive and contribute positively to society.