The Honorable Rosa DeLauro

United States Congresswoman & Child Tax Credit Champion

The Honorable Rosa DeLauro

Congresswoman DeLauro has represented the constituents of Connecticut’s third district in the House of Representatives since 1991. In her more than three decades in Congress, she has remained a fierce advocate for young people. A relentless champion of the Child Tax Credit, lead sponsor of the American Family Act, and Chair of the Congressional Baby Caucus, Congresswoman DeLauro understands both the moral and economic imperative of serving our nation’s most vulnerable. She has made kitchen-table politics – the things impacting the everyday lives of our children, youth, families, and communities – the cornerstone of her career on Capitol Hill. Even before being elected to the House, Rosa DeLauro has been a consistent voice in fighting for the needs of women, children, and families. On behalf of the CDF Board of Directors, it is my honor to present the first Advocate for Joy Award to Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro.